About Me

Hesdin, Nord pas de Calais, France
I've been thinking of starting this blog for a while now, but I never actually did it. There are a lot of things going on in my life and I feel like having somewhere to write down my thoughts and feelings will be kind of like therapy. I'll be sharing how I feel, what I like and dislike, and what I'm doing on my journey to paradise..

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Tuesday 10th February

Hey guys, this is my very first blogpost so sorry if it isn't very interesting - I haven't ever blogged before.

This morning I got up at 8h45 - my step-dad came to pick me up from my apartment to bring me to his and my mums house (that's where I work, it's actually for my mums business).

I finish in 15 minutes but there hasn't been a lot to do today really, which in a way is good but in another way is bad because it makes the day feel like a week.

Just got a text from jordan (he's my boyfriend - he stays with me at night at my place after school because it's not far from his school) he's just finished and is on his way to the apartment, god I wish I was!

I can't believe it's gonna' be valentines day on saturday - I still remember last year - freezing cold, walking around town with Jordan and the beautiful rose he bought me :)

This year we'll be at his house, with his sister - just the three of us - great.

I love Laura (his sister) but she doesn't have the best of luck with guys, everyone she's ever been with either was a total badguy - drugs and everything or just messed her around bigtime. And it's always me and Jordan who end up having to stay with her like baby sitters, may I add this girl is 21.

My back hurts so bad, I really need to get a new chair for work - I'm sure it's that.

Well I'll leave it at that for now and shall blog some more after tea.

Gros Bisoux - there you go, you learnt some french - It means big kisses :)